• Products And Services

    1provision of labour/talent (mainly blue-collar contract workers) to local governments and businesses in the PRC and elsewhere (if opportunities so arise) to support a variety of their adhoc needs including but not limited to:

    (i) job outsourcing and labour dispatch services;

    (ii) training, recruitment, talent assessment and career planning services; and

    (iii) safety and security services;

    2to complement the provision of labour outsourcing activities in sub-para (a), the development, acquisition and/or provision of technology or digital systems for ease of customers to procure talent from the Group;

    3to maximise resources invested in the development or acquisition of the technology or digital systems in sub-para (b), leveraging such resources to provide technology and digital systems to local governments and businesses in the PRC and elsewhere (if opportunities so arise), including but not limited to:

    (i) financial logistics and data processing systems, where the Group may develop logistics management system(s) to provide bill delivery and micro-logistics services to banking institutions;

    (ii) integrated smart city systems, where the Company may work with local government to develop innovative mechanisms to address urban governance issues and improve urban governance and enhancing quality of life. This may include, but is not limited to, developing management solutions for infrastructure and stakeholder collaborations, implementing sustainability-related strategies and operating metered parking spots owned by the local government;

    (iii) fresh food delivery systems, where the Company may develop one-stop platform for multi-category fresh food delivery, cold chain logistics, catering, and school superstore services.

    Where applicable, the New Business includes the use, adoption and infusion of modern technology including but not limited to artificial intelligence, big data analytics and Internet of Things.